
‘पत्रकारको परीक्षा पाठकले लिने हो, सरकारले होइन’

 नेपालमञ्च संवाददाता
२०७८ असार ५ शनिबार
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जगदीश्वर पाण्डे

जगदीश्वर पाण्डे पत्रकार, लेखक र अनुसन्धानकर्ता हुन् । उनी ‘कान्तिपुर दैनिक’ पत्रिकासँग आबद्ध छन् । कान्तिपुरमा वरिष्ठ उपसम्पादक रहेका उनी विदेश मामिला, सुरक्षा र राजनीतिक विषयमा कलम चलाइरहेका छन् । विगत एक दशकदेखि पत्रकारिता गर्दै आएका उनले यस अघि अग्रेंजी पत्रिका ‘द हिमालयन टाइम्स’ मा प्रिन्सिपल करेस्पोन्डेन्टको रुपमा पनि काम गरेका थिए । पाण्डेले त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालयबाट अग्रेंजी साहित्यमा स्नातकोत्तर गरेका छन् । भारतको चेन्नाईमा रहेको एसियन कलेज अफ जर्नालिज्जम (एसीजे) बाट पोष्ट डिप्लोमा कोर्स पनि गरेका छन् । पाण्डेले नेपालको परराष्ट्र मामिला सम्बन्धको थिंक–ट्यांक संस्था परराष्ट्र मामिला अध्ययन प्रतिष्ठानले कोभिड–१९ को दौरान ‘नेपाल इफोर्ट टु एड्रेस्ट कोभिड–१९ क्राइसिस थ्रु इन्टरनेशनल इन्गेजमेन्ट’ प्रतिवेदन तयार गर्न अनुसन्धानकर्ताको रुपमा महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निर्वाह गरेका छन् । पाण्डे ‘विश्व टी–ट्वान्टी क्रिकेटका सारथि किताब–२०१४’ का लेखक हुन् । उनी आमसञ्चार विषय पढाउने काम पनि गर्छन् । साथमा उनी मिडिया लिट्रेसीको बारेमा बहस गर्न रुचाउँछन् । पत्रकार पाण्डेसँग नेपालमञ्चले पत्रकारिता विषयमाथि गरेको कुराकानीको सम्पादित अंशः

-तपाई एक दशकदेखि पत्रकारितामा हुनुहुन्छ । पहिले र अहिलेको पत्रकारितामा के फरक पाउनुभएको छ?

म अहिलेको पत्रकारिताबारे एक लाइनमा भन्नुपर्दा अहिले पत्रकारिता स्वतन्त्र भएको देख्छु । हो, मान्छेहरु भन्ने गर्छन्, पत्रकारितालाई सरकारले कन्ट्रोल ग¥यो । पत्रकारितालाई व्यापारीले कन्ट्रोल गरे । तर त्योसँगै अहिले सोसल मिडिया पत्रकारिताको एक प्रमुख भागेदार बन्न पुगेको छ । सोसल मिडियामा लेख्दैमा वा पोष्ट गर्दैमा त्यसलाई पूर्ण रुपमा पत्रकारिता भन्न मिल्दैन । किनकी त्यसमा मिडिया हाउसमा जस्तो जिम्मेवारीवोध हुन्न ।

 Story of Israel-Palestine war 

Jagdishor Panday

Few days ago, during my first meeting with Israeli Ambassador Hanan Goder, he had asked me, ‘what else do you do except reporting on foreign relations?’ I answered, ‘except that, I do reporting on Nepali Army and security of the nation’. He immediately added, ‘Nepal Army and security? Even while sleeping, our chief of army staff keeps an eye open. They never close both of their eyes’.

It is clear from his statement that in what condition, a country in West Asia, Israel is going through and how much threat there is. Like Ambassador Goder said, if the Army Chief had not kept his one eye open while sleeping, then the casualties following the rocket attack by Islamist group Hamas from Gaza, targeting various Israeli cities, would have been much more than seven people. Israel would have been destroyed!

Speaking in Palestine words, Hamas is an organization that was formed to bring back the lands Israel had captured. In the language of Israel, America and few other western countries Hamas is a terrorist organization who has connections to Al Qaida.

To save its citizens from such attacks, Israel has built Iron Dome which used important security technology that destroys the missile in the sky. This time, Israel, in retaliation attacked Gaza area. Due to the attack, more than 200 Palestinians have been killed.

इजरायल–प्यालेस्टाइन युद्धको अन्तरकथा

दुई मुलुकका बीच विगत एक सय वर्षदेखि नै युद्ध चलिरहेको छ । लिग अफ नेसन्स र संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघले पनि यो युद्धको शृंखलालाई रोक्न सकेको छैन । ओस्लो सम्झौता सहमति नजिक पुगे पनि फेरि दुवै मुलुकका दक्षिण पन्थी र कट्टरपन्थीका कारण युद्ध रोकिन पाएको छैन । यस पटक ११ दिनमा युद्ध विराम भए पनि फेरि अर्को युद्ध कहिले होला भनेर दिन गरेर बस्नु बाहेक अन्य कुनै अवस्था देखिन्न । 

जगदीश्वर पाण्डे 

केहि समय अघि नेपालका लागि इजरायलका राजदुत हनान गोडरस“गको मेरो पहिलो भेटमा उनले मलाई सोधेका थिए, ‘परराष्ट्र सम्बन्ध रिर्पोटिङ बाहेक अन्य के गर्नुहुन्छ ।’  मैले उत्तर दिए“,‘त्यस बाहेक नेपाली सेना र राष्ट्रिय सुरक्षाको सम्बन्धी रिर्पोटिङ गर्छु ।’ लगतै गोडरले थपिहाले,‘नेपाली सेना र सुरक्षा ! हाम्रो इजरायलमा त चिन अफ आर्मी स्टाफ राती सुत्दा पनि एउटा आ“खा खुल्लै राखेर सुत्ने गर्छन् । उनीहरुको दुवै आ“खा बन्द कहिल्यौ पनि हुन्न ।’

राजदुत गोडरको उक्त भनाईले पश्चिम एसिया (पश्चिमाहरु मध्यपूर्व भन्छन्) मा रहेको मुलुक इजरायल कस्तो अवस्थाबाट गुज्रिरहेको हुन्छ र त्यहा कति सुरक्षाको थ्रेट छ भन्ने स्पष्ट पार्छ । गोडरले भने जस्तै इजरायलका सैनिक प्रमुखले राती पनि एक आखा खुला गरेर नसुतेको भए, वैशाख २७ गते राती प्यालेस्टाइनको गाजा क्षेत्रबाट त्यहा“को एक इस्लामिक समूह हमासले इजरायलका विभिन्न शहरहरुमा गरेको दर्जनौं रकेट आक्रमण गर्दा ७ जना नागरिकको मात्र ज्यान जाने थिएन । इजरायल त्यहि राती नै तहस–नहस हुन्थ्यो होला । 

Paras Khadka: a successful leader of Nepali cricket

Jagdishor Panday 

Recently, Nepali cricket has been in lime light after uplifting two trophies. Nepali team led by dynamic captain Paras Khadka won two cricket series-- One-Day International and Twenty20-- against the UAE in their home soil.

Both series carried three matches each and in the both occasions Nepal came from 0-1 down to won the series 2-1. Surprising it was the first time Nepal won the series after getting ODI statues from the International Cricket Council (ICC).

US officials warn China’s BRI could lead to debt trap, undermine sovereignty

Washington, DC, November 
US government officials and experts have expressed apprehension about China’s flagship multi-trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative. 
They have warned it could lead to debt trap and undermine sovereignty in the long run, harming the participating countries’ interest. They also said the BRI, introduced by Chinese President Xi Jinping, lacked transparency and was aimed at fulfilling China’s own security and strategic interests rather than promoting economic development.
These views come at a time when Sri Lanka is struggling to repay Chinese debt to build a port in Hambantota at a cost of over US$1 billion due to inability to generate business. The asset and 15,000 acres of land around it have now been handed over to China for 99 years, giving the world’s second largest economy control over territory just a few hundred miles off the Indian coast.

US warns China: strict the BRI on economy and infrastructure, not on strategic

Jagdishor  Panday

Washington DC, November
The US officials and members of think-tanks said the Belt and Road Initiatives (BRI), which was introduced by the Chinese Premier Xi Jinping, is fine if it is only for economy and infrastructure development purpose. They said that they have a concern about countries sovereignty, transparency, and accountability in the world.

Speaking with journalists of South Asian during the 'Amplifying the Indo-Pacific Strategy', they said that the US is always happy to see the countries of the world getting better in-term-of economy and infrastructure field. The US officials and think-tanks members warned over China that in the name of economy and infrastructure development's face, China shouldn't come out with security and strategic plan behind that.

They said China shouldn't cross their economic line through BRI in the world. They said the US always support and favor of BRI (also known as One Belt and One Road) 's plan 'A' which is economic development. But the USA will not support plan 'B' of BRI which is security and strategic point of view.

We have focused on power, roads, and transmission lines in Nepal: USA

Jagdishor Panday
Washington DC, November
The USA official said they have focus in the field of power, road and transmission lines project in Nepal. Speaking with the journalist from South Asian during the ‘Amplifying the Indo-Pacific Strategy’ programme here, Alice G. Wells, Principal Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State of South and Central Asia for the USA, said in the field of road, power and transmission line sectors the USA has helped Nepal around 500 million dollars. 
“In the Million Challenge Cooperation projects we have Nepal in the field of power, roads and transmission lines,” she said. She said the USA has focused on humanitarian and disaster management crisis. Nepal and USA have several joint programmes including joint military drills on humanitarian and disaster management crisis.
She also said the USA and Nepal have historic relation and the USA always wants to work with Nepal and help Nepal.